NIght Mission: Scene Coverage

Early in the music scene, OPERATOR-7 was running the Operator position at the local clubs in the 9th square. He went to one club, invited by their expert HOSTESS, who said the following:

"You should just get there and say hi to Chris. I can't promise a definite time and if I am late I don't want you to miss any of the guys. [CLUB OWNER] knows who to introduce you to if I am late"

Of course what this actually means is, "I'm not showing up at all."

OPERATOR-7 took this to heart, because he was counting on the woman to introduce him to the band. You can't just walk up to a band with a videocamera without the introduction from the HOSTESS, he thinks.

OPERATOR-7 takes a short 30 second clip of the band, playing. They're old and not particularly interesting looking. All of their instruments look like they're discount at Daddy's Junky. It does sound great, to be honest. They're timed in to the exact moment perfectly. OPERATOR-7 is trying to wrap his head around what it means, though.

The point was to promote. It didn't cross his mind that day to voice record rather and use AudioCopy to post directly to Soundcloud; it hadn't crossed his mind. But he learned later that would be the most effective way of establishing this particular location [STANDARD JAZZ CLUB].

Downstairs at the previous club, KENYA introduces herself to OPERATOR-7. She says she grew up in town, there over by EDGE.  So did he; "Nearby Saint Brendans," he said.

"I went to that school," Said Kenya.
"That's great. So did I," Says Operator-7.
"I wanted to sing in the children's chorus so much but then that guy took over and i was like 'ewwww'," she said, and this would have made no sense to anyone except them. He said:

Operator--7: "I know, well here's what happened. My mother was in charge of the choir and did it for free over the course of a decade or more. The pastor got sick and they brought in that awful Father French. He ripped the carpets out of the aisles and then hired that pervert."

Kenya (In suspended disbelief): "I know....!"

FlashBack to Future Scene

He's taking his shoes off in a hotel. There's a beautiful woman in the room.

Back to Previous Scene
A.  Do you choose to leave the bar?
B.  Do you choose to stay.

B. You Stay
So you decide to stay at the bar. A YOUNG LADY walks up to you and says that her friend is playing at a local club and would like you to attend because he's really good. You're not sure what that means but then the other thing she says is that Steely Dan is playing at Toad's Place. So you do this:


Operator-7: "Jim."
Jim: "What's up?"
O7: "I hear that you've got a good show tonight."
Jim: "Oh a real good show. Why what's up? You want to get in?"
O7: "Yeah, want to meet up at Kasbah around 8?"
Jim: "Sounds good."

Later on, if "A," you see Jim later at Kasbah. 
On this path though, you're not going to see him.

O7: "Okay so we're all set. We have access to the Steely Dan concert.
YOUNG LADY: "Oh, actually, it turns out it's not actually Steely Dan."
O7: "It's not?"
YOUNG LADY: "No, evidently one guy used to tour with him."
BARTENDER: "As the light show guy."
YOUNG LADY: "Yeah, but now he's playing guitar."
O7: "So it's not Steely Dan."
BARTENDER + YOUNG LADY: shake head, make face

oh, Toads Place... (visit p. ___ to fantasize)

A. You Leave.

So you get out of there.

Later on, Operator-7 is creating animated graphics on AfterEffects at the back bar at the Grateful Dead club in town. He gets a text message.
Kristina Kryptonite: "WHere are you."
Operator-7: O7: "StellaBlues, editing graphic" (sends video)
Kristina Kryptonite: "Stay there. I'm taking a cab."
Operator-7: O7: "Sure. Ok. I'll stand by."
Kristina Kryptonite: "And we're getting a hotel, understand?"

Kryptonite and Operator-7 have a history.

She arrives sits next; chair moves closer, they kiss at the bar. first just a hello kiss on the cheek, talking closely pretending that the music was so loud that it required their faces to be inches from each other's in order to be heard at an audible volume. This led to some kisses on the neck and around the ear. That's where their faces met and their lips locked for the first time (that evening).

The waitress brought her a water, probably expecting a hot mess to show up when Operator-7 asked her politely if it would be possible to bring the young lady who would soon sit down next to him in a matter of moments a nice ice cold water. She did, and as she sipped, he packed up the laptop and all the rest of his gear into the OSPREY backpack that came standard equipment for Operators.

They left the bar. He recommended the DUNCAN so they went into that magnificent place, with amazingly incredible ambience in the classic appearance of the lobby, and checked in. Upstairs they did what you'd expect would happen. Steam pipes in the wall hissed like it was the 1920's - because literally that's the type of nonsense that used to happen back then, too.